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Hi, I can't transfer installed application on SD card on Xperia V, before I had Xperia Ray and I didn't have such problem. How can I do this?
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You cannot move apps to SD card. You could only move them to internal memory.
SD card is for media content or storing other files. Songs, movies, pictures pdf, documents etc.
But before Xperia V I had Xperia Ray and I didn't have this problem. This is a feature of this phone? If I buy Xperia Z I come across this problem again?
Xperia Ray doesn't have internal memory.
It uses only SD card.
This issue is with every phone having internal memory ( Not only Sony ). Xperia V has 8 gb internal, Xperia Z has 16 Gb internal.
May I know by saying
I can't transfer installed application on SD card
you mean the data of applications or the applications themselves ?
Are you running short of internal memory or something ?
At the beginning I treid transfer applications, but now I want transfer data of applications, but I don't know how I can do it. I install some application and data for this application and now i don't have memory in my phone. And in Xperia Ray internal memory 1Gb.
Don't get confused between internal memory and phone memory.
Phone memory is the one in which apps are installed ( apk files. )
Internal memory behaves as a sd card, where SD data of apps gets stored.
So that memory present in Ray ( 1GB ) is phone memory and not internal memory. Ray has no internal memory. Your Xperia V has 2GB Phone memory and 8 GB internal memory.
What is it for?This limits the possibilities phone.
I don't know what's the reason.
As i said it's with every phone of every brand, so probably a OS limit /
There are ways by which after rooting you could set to function SD card as internal memory
This process helps phones with low internal memory. People could use a large 32 Gb SD card as internal memory which I think is more than enough.
What is this way by which after rooting I could set to function SD card as internal memory?
Please tell me a way to transfer my apps to sd card on my xperia sp... its irritating and i cant download many apps which i need cause of space issue.. i hope sony solves this prob with a new update .. if there is ane way pls comment or post