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I have updated my xperia u from gingerbird to ics.It look and feel good.I found it was slow when updated,but when reset it then it speed performance found same as with gingerbird.So speed and other look&feel fine with ics.
But there one thing that i have not found is screen capture.In gingerbird it was in long press of power key,but now it is miss from there.So plesae anyone can help is it possible now or not.If yes,so how can i capture screen shot.
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Hold Power and Volume down Button at the same time for 1 second until it takes screen shot. an update that supose to make things simple has actually made it dificult. before i had to hold one button and would do the job now you have to be so precise to hold them both at exact same time.
@izzat it's a lot easier now, yes you have to use 2 buttons but the screenshot its a LOT easier/faster than long pressing the power button > select screenshot > wait for the screenshot
Thanks much, it worked.