VGX-TP3E - SonicStage will not work.

VGX-TP3E - SonicStage will not work.


I have a VGX-TP3E entertainment PC that still works. A few years ago I upgraded it with the following. Added another 2GB of RAM. Change the hard drive to a solid state drive (which improved bootup immensely) and upgrade to Windows 7. I managed to install all drivers and some of the original software that came with the PC originally.

All works fine, no issues using it.

I recently purchased a Net MD minidisc and purchased a SonicStage installation disc off eBay. It installed OK, but when I start up the application I get the following message: 'Cannot locate application required. Exiting Application'.

Does anyone know what this means?

I did download Jukebox, SonicStage, etc. from different websites but all I get is that the software is already installed, or 'cannot connect to server, check you internet connection...' etc. etc.

The version I installed was 1.5AE, or something like that, but I get the same messages when trying to install 4.3, even after I've uninstalled SonicStage.

Anyone encountered this problem and know of a fix?

I really like to take advantage of using my minidisc (MZ-E505) given that I have a huge amount of music on my PC.

Any help is appreciated!



Hi Miguel,


Unfortunately SonicStage doesn't support Win 7.

You would have to run XP or Vista to make it work.




Update: solved my problem, I purchased a used laptop running XP. Worked well, for a while - the laptop died after a few days of use. I only paid £30.00 for it so no great loss.


Question: anyone know of software that can emulate SonicStage on a Windows 7 machine? Or am I stuck buying another Windows XP machine?


Another question: when I finally figured out how to use SonicStage I noticed I was not able to get sound when I used my Minidisc HiFi player, but I could see the tracks. When I tried playing the same minidisc on my MZ-R30, again no sound. I used a NetMD MZ-N505 connected to the now dead laptop to transfer music from a CD to the minidisc. Yet I hear sound from the MZ-N505. Is there a restriction as to where you can pla the minidisc?


I also have a a portable Sony CD player that is programmable and has optical out. I connected this to the MZ-R30 to record CDs. The music on the minidisc recorded this way has no problem playing on the Minidisc HiFi player and I can see the tracks, even edit track names, when using the MZ-N505 connected to the laptop. Does this mean the best way to transfer music is by CD player to MZ-R30?

Update 2: got SonicStage 4.3 and installed it on my Sony VGX-TP3 PC running Windows 7. Starts up and works fine. I did a test disc and found the same problem in not being able to play the disc on different minidisc players other than the one used to record on. I then remembered about the SP mode and changed the settings in SonicStage and did another test disc. This time the disc is playable on all my minidisc players.

I’m all set now!