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Trouble Streaming FLAC and HiRes from NAS to STR-DN1050


Trouble Streaming FLAC and HiRes from NAS to STR-DN1050

Hi All,


I recently purchased a DN1050 to take advantage of it's HiRes capabilities, and to finally retire my CD collection. I have also purchased a Western Digital My Cloud. This is wired directly to by router (BT Home Hub 5) by an ehternet cable. The receiver is connected to the network wirelessly. So that's my set up.


I have moved a bunch of FLAC files to the WD My Cloud. These include both 16bit and 24bit files. Everything seems to work ok with regards to the recevier connects to the network, I can view the files on the WD My Cloud and for the most part I can play them. However the songs will oftern skip and stutter during playback.


Any ideas? What's the issue here, my router, the WD My Cloud, or something else?


Also, does anyone else have a similar set up? If so do you use a different NAS Drive? Assuming that's the issue with my set up.


All and any help is much appreciated.

