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Sony BDP-S790 won't play (non blu-ray) DVDs

Sony BDP-S790 won't play (non blu-ray) DVDs


I'm new to the board so I hope this post meets all etiquette requirements!

I have just taken delivery of a Sony BDP-S790 DVD player. The first blu-ray DVD I tried worked fine. The second disc did not work (I will put this down to a faulty disc received from Lovefilm).

I then went on to try some of my catalogue of non blu-ray DVDs, some of which would not load at all (giving a message of 'cannot operate this disc'), and some of which would load after a number of attempts.

As I am new to this piece of kit, this may be down to me being an idiot and doing something wrong!!!

Nevertheless, any assitance would be gratefully received as this is causing a great deal of frustration regarding why it won't load DVDs.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards




in most cases with new players not playing some of the latest Blu Rays is usually down to firmware, make sure you have the latest firmware update for your player, as for the DVD's there is no reason for it not to play them, make sure your discs are clean and free of smudges and greasy fingerprints as in my opinion this would cause problems with playback as Blu Ray players are rather sensitive to this.

i have exactly the same player also new and have only played a couple of BR discs, if i get a chance later i will try some DVD's and report back.

right ok, well chose 2 totally random DVD's from my collection, Armageddon and Stargate Continuum and they both play fine.

have a look in your settings and see if you can see anything amiss in there.

Oh and as for being an idiot dont even think it, everythings so high tech these days you need a degree most of the time to operate them!, your not alone.

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923