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Help please! sony hxd890 HDR not working again!

Help please! sony hxd890 HDR not working again!

Hi there,

i wonder if anyone can help us, we'd just finished watching a recorded film and found that the HDR wasn't working, it hasn't recorded any of the programmes it was set to record, the display said D--- and it wouldn't let us 'Add new channels' in the system menu, (initial set up).

We didn't have any digital channels at all.

We went down the 'easy set up' route and got all the channels back (great) but all of our timed recordings have 'dropped off' the guide (a pain but not the end of the world)

the hdr had obviously not been getting any digital channels for at least a couple of hours and i was just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem or if anyone has any ideas whats gone wrong?

after last months debacle (when we all lost our recorders) i'm slightly twitchy!!!

many thanks, bertie booboo x


If you are sure you have the latest fw installed (1.24), in any case there is still a known bug that randomically give you this problem. The work around is to reset the HXD (stop+poweroff button on the deck without any disk in the tray), unplug from main for 1 minute, than proceed with the easy setup. You'll loose all the custom settings as well any timer already set, but the HDD content is untouched.

It happens not so often with syntoms like yours or the recorder stuck in update forever.