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Can I turn off automatic channel update on my RDR-HXD870?


Can I turn off automatic channel update on my RDR-HXD870?

Recently, I have had a problem with picking up "new" channels. They seem to be signals from another transmitter that are at times strong enough to be picked up but not strong enough to record from. The problem is mainly on BBC1. I get London from my local transmitter but sometimes get East added. This shows no signal. The recorder may try to record from East rather than London if they are both on the list. When I retune I lose the extra channel but have to set up recording settings again. My manual gives no way to turn off the automatic channel update. Is there some way that I'm missing? The manual does mention locking and skipping channels but doesn't explain what these options do!

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Hi there


From my understanding, you cannot turn off the auto channel update.  If this is a continual issue, I would probably advise contacting a local aerial technician to see if they can do something.  The aerial could just need a slight adjustment.




Thanks Quinnicus. I've been leaving the aerial option as the last reaort. As it points directly at me local transmitter, I'm worried that I could only avoid extra signals by damaging my good reception of proper channels. I wondered if leaving the extra channel there and locking it might work. If only the manual told me what locking and skipping meant!
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I dont know what locking does to be honest, I guess you can test it out - wont hurt.  Skip would probably litterally "skip" the channel in the EPG or skip it using the CH+ CH- buttons on the remote control.