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VAIO SVD1121Q2EB SDD avariou - Necessito de uma imagem de disco de recuperação e drives


VAIO SVD1121Q2EB SDD avariou - Necessito de uma imagem de disco de recuperação e drives



Necessitava ajuda neste tópico: Drives originais para Sound Card e SD Card slot.


Para um Vaio Duo 11 SVD1121Q2EB.

Abaixo está uma explicação que coloquei no forum internacional da Sony. Peço desculpa por estar em Inglês.

Mas resumindo; necessito das drives originais para a placa de som e controlador do SD Card, uma vez que a minha SSD de 128gb avariou sem que deixe sequer aceder às partições de recuperação e acabei por substitui-la por uma de maior capacidade. Após a instalação do W8 com a ajuda do help desk da Microsoft, verifiquei que a placa de som e sd card não funcionam. Tentei a pagina de suporte para o meu VAIO mas nenhuma das drives serviu.


Necessitava de um disk image das partições escondidas ou as drives correctas originais.







Hello All


Recently my 128gb sdd from a 2012 Vaio Duo 11 (SVD1121Q2EB) has simply colapsed preventing me to even make a salvation from the recovery partition, that as we know is on the very same SSD. The only thing the laptop does is to advise that no OS is present, 1 second after power. I've tried everything to rehabilitate the drive with no success and unfortunatly I had no disk image saved, so pretty much the VAIO would serve from now-on as paperweight.



For some time now, I wished to increase the ssd available space so this seamed a good time to buy a 512gb drive to replace the original dead one. I was able to reinstall the W8 with the help of Microsoft help-desk but unfortunaly there is missing some factory drives not consumer-able to download and now the sound card and SD Card slot, doesn't work anymore.


I've contacted local Sony Co. and got informed that this drives "might" have been lost with the SSD as some drives are not accessible to download on support page to replace them (seams the case) and got advised to retrieve the VAIO to the technical service partner. Well In the past I had a very unpleasent "pocket" issue with another older VAIO I own (a VPCZ1 Series) and since the DUO was also out of warranty I declined to do it so; I mean it is a simply SSD change and a boring Windows install, not a motherbord or touchscreen failure.

So basically now I own a def hadicaped DUO, and mainly I condemn myself for not having a disk image in the first place to sort it out.


I would like to kindlly ask anybody that owns a SVD1121Q2EB VAIO DUO-11 if you are willing to grant me a recover (and system - I guess is the name) image from both hidden partitions on disk 0 ( C ), where lays the original factory drives (possible already updated).


On the other had if you can grant me the drives just by itself, I guess that would do too (this drives are not available on the Sony drivers download support page for my model - perhaps to any model, I don't know!).


Any help on my matter will be appreciated





Não encontrou os drivers no site da sony para download?