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Sony AX53 Camera - Rebooting after 1-2 Seconds when trying to record in 4K

Sony AX53 Camera - Rebooting after 1-2 Seconds when trying to record in 4K

Just bought the camera today, did all the initial setup as per instruction, formatted SD card etc etc, but as soon as I try record in 4K on both settings (I have a 128GB SanDisk Extreme 150mb/s with all the right specs to record at 100MB/s and 60MB/s) it says recording, then reboots, and says something about trying to recover the file, but doesn't record a thing. Tried factory resetting, tried multiple SD cards, but to no avail. 


Anyone else had this issue before? Urgently need this for a big event and it's failed me on day one 😞


Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


Did you check the AX53 support page?

Yup, can't seem to find anything related to this issue, I've seen on YouTube years ago this was an issue that arose, but no one has found a solution. Very strange as it's a brand new camera. I was wondering if it could be a software issue but can't seem to find a way to roll back to a previous version. Not even the phone support could help and they need to forward on my issue to their engineers to investigate. Very strange as I'm sure other people have had this issue. When recording on 4K, it cuts out right away, on the 2nd setting it records, but as soon as I try play it back it says data error, and when I record on the lowest setting it records and plays back fine.

Community Team

Hello Chris,


Have you tried different SD cards? Also, have you tried to initialize the camera settings ( Menu - General Settings - Initialize ) ? had it make any difference ?

Yup, have tried all of that. Cards are definitely not the problem I've tried 3, all of which are 150mb/s, tried the whole factory reset on it, nothing works. Guessing I'm gonna have to send it in.
Community Team

Hey ChrisDoesGaming, try removing the battery for two minutes and make sure it's fully charged. if after all of the steps it's still doing the same, you'll have to send it for repair I'm afraid..