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Uneven backlight on 49XF9005

Uneven backlight on 49XF9005

I’ve had my brand new xf9005 for about 2 weeks and I’m beginning to wonder if it has a fault with the backlight. A pure black screen (a) isn’t very black and (b) is very patchy, with lighter streaks across the screen and is darker running down the right-hand side. Also, the local dimming areas seem very large and, when scenes change from bright to dark, very slow to respond (eg, a very noticeable delay of about a second)


Does anyone have any insights? Should I see a completely even black field? Are the local dimming areas very large and slow to respond? I must say I wouldn't have thought so seeing this is an expensive, top of mid-end TV.




Hi fabulosa,


I've heard a lot of good reviews about this model. Congrats! I've also read about the 1st point, it seems that this isn't a fault with your TV. It's actually how LCD screens usually work. They're backlighted from behind the panel to show picture clearly. Hence, brightness may not be even. Especially in dark scenes.


However, I've found a very useful article from Sony with brilliant guidance on adjusting picture settings. Maybe it'll be useful for you. Here it is:



Hi & thanks for the input.


Yes, the quality of this set, especially with blacks & the fact that it has direct panel rather than edge lighting, plus the glowing reviews which it has received, is why I chose that model.


So it’s also the reason why I’m wondering if I have a duff unit as I wouldn’t have thought that Sony would release a high-end model with such problems, and I’m sure that it wouldn’t have garnered such praise if they had at that price point.


That’s why I’m on here - hoping that other XF90 owners might have some insights.

