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2015 Android TV(s) corrupting USB sticks


2015 Android TV(s) corrupting USB sticks

I have a 2015 KD9305c TV

As I have had many other faults, My Tv has been replaced with the same model and I have seen the issue below on different TVs so I know it’s not a one off TV issue.


I wanted to a USB stick connected to the TV which I have photos or homes videos of my kids/family on. When I got this TV I purchased a new Kingston 64Gig USB pen that was a good quality with good reviews for this purpose.


After a while the stick stopped working and was not readable in the TV or my PC. Sent it back, tested as faulty and got a new replacement (Same USB PEN model)

In the meantime my TV got switched with a new one, but same model.

After a few more weeks  I had the same problem with the 2nd new USB pen. Its then I started to think the TV may be partly to blame as two new USB sticks failing is rare. (I have used USB PENs for years and never had a problem before)


This time I thought I would use a PEN I had for a while which was very reliable.   Same, 3-4 weeks later corrupted.   This time no warranty on the pen as it was a few years old.


I am now to scared to leave a PEN connected and as I don’t use a NAS anymore have no access to my home media on my TV.


Has anyone else had an issue like this on their Android TV?

I have seen another thread about HDDs being powered even when in standby and this may be linked. Memory sticks are not designed to be written to over a certain NO of cycles, I wonder if the TV is doing something like that.


Any thoughts?


Did you try re creating partition for that drive?

Do this but be very carefull:



You must be sure about the disk number.


Thanks for the reply.  I have a few partition tools.  None of them  recognise this drive. 


Whatever it is, the TV should not be causing it.

I have had the same thing happen to USB stick, and it doesn't show at all using any disk management tools. However, I have used multiple sticks and HDDs, and the problem has only occured once. Not sure that this info helps you, but you're not alone in the issue.