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Tying The Knot


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Congratulations Loubella, you are the winner of February's 'Hearts' photography competition!


Here is the explanation from the judges on why they chose this picture.


"The winning picture is a silent and subtle homage to the many little things in life that are all around us and dear to our hearts. Though born and worn - and supported by the vintage look - they are still our constant companions, we do not want to quickly replace them with something new.


At the beginning they may be a little uncomfortable, but they now fit like a glove and have almost become a part of us. The shoes in the picture want to tell us a story. The tracks, nicks and dirt are witnesses of the past.


The picture's message is wonderfully supported by the successful composition and fine, indirect lighting, as well as by the image processing. The wooden floor has its best days behind it. The foreground and background are blurred out of the shallow depth of field. Some details are so discreet in the image that the view can concentrate on the few important ones - and on the whole picture.”

WOW!! What a nice surprise! Thank you so much Sony for sellecting me as this months winner I really appreciate it :slight_smile: and for running the monthly competition its been great fun!

To be honest that thats not creative shot thats a copy of that

thats not unique image, you can google lots of it

I do agree !!! Its like plagiarism, nothing unique, even the overal presentation of the photo looks so photoshoped !

I agree with Arianaz and LadyGabrielle, its plagiarism and that picture shouldent be winner.

I already forwarded complaint to 

Sandy Genelius from Sony PR department for plagirasm issue 

Guys guess how bad reputation that will make for Sony  if someoen see an article titled " Plagiarism at Sony UK "

Maybe a comment from Community Manager huh ?

On my opinion this picture is example of plagiarism, as you can see in upper posts. Moreover picture is retouched.