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Can't enable developer mode/very high RAM usage


Can't enable developer mode/very high RAM usage

Hey all! A few months back, I got myself a Xperia 1 and it's been pretty good. However, I noticed that my RAM usage is unacceptably high, even with recent apps all cleared. Out of the 6GB (or 5.5GB usable), it has never had any more than 900MB free. My previous phone (poco F1) had 6GB as well and the usage generally hovered around 3.5 to 4GB average which actually meant that it actually felt considerably snappier as less apps were being closed and opened.

As for some stupid reasons, the RAM utilisation page is now under developer mode, I tied enabling developer mode but even after clicking the build number over 100 times, nothing happens.

Any ideas on either issues?

Please do note that I understand that high RAM utilisation is a bit of a non-issue usually however, if line (a messenging app) has to reload after switching to Facebook messenger and back, you can't really say "working as intended" can you? On my previous phone, messenger used about 150MB whilst line used about 90MB so on a phone with 6GB and nothing else open, it should not be reloading. 


Looking under dev mode I see 5.8GB avaible, Average used 65%, and 2.0GB Free.And perfomance is normal.

Numbers do not really changing looking at 3hrs vs 1 day.

Highest use is Android OS at 1.7GB followed by Play services at 323MB.

Hope this gives you some insight.