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Can not add APN after Android 10 upgrade


Can not add APN after Android 10 upgrade

After upgrade to Android 10 my mobile internet stopped working. As I can see the reason is in missing APN on SIM card. But there are no option now to add it manually!

All I can see is "Access Point Name settings are not available for this user"

Tried factory reset, tried reflashing via Xperia Companion - nothing can help.

Firmware is 1319-2847 Customized UK

Mobile operator is Cablenet (Cyprus)

Device model is J8110

In a three dot menu there is only one option - "Reset to default", it doesn't help.

Tried to download Internet/MMS settings via Settings -> Network & Internet -> Internet Settings, it reports that "Settings download completed", but APN list is still empty.

Any ideas how can I add APN after this [censored] Android upgrade?


Thank you, starfall! Looks like we are moving in a right direction! Slightly_smiling_Face

I managed to start adb shell and run your command.
APN add page appeared. I filled the reqiured information, then saved it successfully, but after restart I don't have this APN in the list Slightly_frowning_Face The same message that "this user is not allowed..."

Tried with SIM card and without it. With restart and withour it. Still the same result :(((


Have you tried adding the APN with the SIM in the phone. The APN settings seems to be tied with the MCC and MNC in the SIM card.

In any case, you can try using this app which does the same thing (calls up the add APN page) -


No. It was a complete Sony $uckup.

Fixed in firmware 55.1.A.3.49

Thnx. Please better test your firmware releases.